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David Beattie
Liechtenstein - A Modern History
[A new edition]

The first edition of Liechtenstein: A Modern History, launched in 2003, was hailed as the most comprehensive and factual book on Liechtenstein published for decades. It has been reprinted several times, reflecting the demand for well-researched information about Liechtenstein. Since the book was first published, world events have radically affected Liechtenstein’s global position, and this expanded and completely revised edition now brings Liechtenstein’s story up to date. It includes a full account of Liechtenstein’s response to the international financial crisis, and the chain of events that led to the Liechtenstein Declaration in 2009 in response to global standards on transparency in fiscal matters. The enormous impact on the financial services sector is admirably documented.

Umfang: 544 Seiten
Format: 15.6 x 23.4 cm
Leinengebunden mit Schutzumschlag
ISBN: 978-3-905881-16-5
CHF 82.00 / € 68.00 (D)

The first edition of Liechtenstein: A Modern History, launched in 2003, was hailed as the most comprehensive and factual book on Liechtenstein published for decades. It has been reprinted several times, reflecting the demand for well-researched information about Liechtenstein. Since the book was first published, world events have radically affected Liechtenstein’s global position, and this expanded and completely revised edition now brings Liechtenstein’s story up to date. It includes a full account of Liechtenstein’s response to the international financial crisis, and the chain of events that led to the Liechtenstein Declaration in 2009 in response to global standards on transparency in fiscal matters. The enormous impact on the financial services sector is admirably documented. The author has also drawn extensively on the recent ground-breaking investigations of the Independent Commission of Historians, which have done much to clarify Liechtenstein’s role in the Second World War. As a former British Ambassador to Switzerland and Liechtenstein, David Beattie writes with authority about the country from a combination of first-hand experience and thorough research, including interviews with many of the key personalities. The result is an essential read for those who wish to understand the current status of one of the world’s most individual countries, and how it has survived in the face of global change.

©2025 Frank P. van Eck Verlagsanstalt. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.


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